Are you addicted to watching Porn, have you seen the new season premier of game of Thrones which is the season six (6). Well according to report that the popularity of Game of Thrones is so huge that it has now started to eat viewership of porn websites. During the premiere of the first episode of the sixth season of Game of Thrones, Pornhub’s traffic from the US saw a drop of four percent.
Considering Pornhub has over 60 million daily visitors, a four percent drop in traffic is quite significant. Pornhub on its Insights blog also shared that Game of Thrones was one of the top searches on the website. According to them, this could be due to fans wanting to revisit the nude and other graphic scenes from the show or various porn parodies based on it. 

Pornhub also broke the down the data to find out searches on the basis of names of actors. Emilia Clarke (playing Daenerys Targaryen) was the most searched actor followed by Natalie Dormer (playing Margaery Tyrell) and Sibel Kekilli (playing Shae). 

According to Pornhub, it had then suffered a 10 percent drop in traffic on a single day. 

Maybe this is for those in the United States but what about us here in Nigeria as i know that according to alexa, many Nigerians do visit Pornhub and if you are watching the new game of Thrones have it made you to stay clear from watching Porn? 

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